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September 13, 2021
min read

Great ways to save on a DIY move

Relocating to a new apartment or dream home is exciting, but moving your belongings to a new location can be expensive. Fortunately, we've got you covered; here are some of the best tips on how to save money during a DIY move.

Read on!  

1. Consider Decluttering

The more items you need to relocate, the higher your cost; therefore, the best option is to gather some unneeded items and either sell or give them away. Think carefully about whether these items are valuable, worth carrying, unnecessary, or a headache to move.  

Remember that these items can vary from the television in the spare room that no one watches anymore to the old dusty piano that you rarely spend time playing. Ultimately, the choice is yours; decide whether to perform a yard sale or offer it as a gift to someone.  

2. Move Mid-Month

Relocating mid-month is the best option to save a few dollars on the trip as this period is less busy for movers. This lack of customer traffic is due to most leases being done in the first week of the month, leaving you with sufficient time mid-month.

Additionally, there's a possibility you planned to move on the weekends since it's more relaxed and available; unfortunately, this time isn't the most ideal for relocating as weekends - especially the last one of the month - are the busiest.  

Opt for Wednesdays as professional movers claim they are the least busy, resulting in higher availability and lower cost, usually 20% - 30% less.

3. Pack Yourself

Most movers come with a  packing service as part of their offering if you don't have the time or energy to pack. However, since you wish to save money during this move, you can pack yourself or get friends and family to help you out.  

Performing this action by yourself saves you the moving money and time, allowing you to be on your way instantly. Although this method is recommended for saving some extra cash, you will be responsible for any broken or damaged item while packing.  

Moving companies have insurance that recovers any damaged item during the move, so consider this factor before employing this strategy.  

4. Rent A Moving Container

Getting a moving container to relocate your belongings is far cheaper than hiring a full-time moving company. For perspective, the average cost of hiring a moving company is $400 to $1,500, meaning a four-bedroom flat will cost $800 - $2000 to move locally.  

However, renting a moving container brings the cost down as it starts as low as $110 per month for a 12-foot container, and $120 for a 16-foot container.  

Keep. In mind that you'll have to load the container yourself; nevertheless, you have more control than a moving company as you can move on your timeline and the container can double as storage.

5. Use All Repurposed Packing Containers

Cardboard boxes are fine for moving your belongings, but you can think outside the box and use other things for packing. Some good examples are laundry baskets, duffel bags, and even backpacks.  

These items are perfect for carrying several things, thereby reducing the cost of moving as you don't need to buy specific cardboard boxes to pack your belongings. Ultimately, the mindset is to use as many packaging containers as possible without buying additional boxes.


Moving can be easier and less financially tasking with the correct information; fortunately, these straightforward methods contain good strategies to help you save some extra cash during your DIY move.

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