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February 12, 2024
min read

How to fix a muddy backyard and better enjoy your space

It’s hard not to notice that the weather has changed in Canada in recent years. Whereas in the past we would see more snow, now it’s just as likely that the winters will be wet and rainy.  

That can change how you take care of your yard in winter. The rainy weather can result in a muddy backyard, which can make it more difficult to enjoy your space when the weather warms up.  

In this MoveBuddy Guide to common household issues, we are going to explore how to deal with a muddy backyard so that you can better enjoy your space.

We understand that a muddy backyard can be a real hassle! No one wants to deal with constant cleaning, unusable spaces, and muddy footprints in the house. Whether it's caused by rain, damaged pipes, or poor drainage, there are solutions to cover up that mud.

Here are some effective muddy yard solutions:

Create a patio:

Building a patio is a permanent solution for mud right outside your door.

Level the area, add sand and crushed rock, lay pavers, and finish with sand for stability.

Use creeper plants:

Ground-covering plants like clover or creeping thyme can thrive in soggy areas.

They are affordable, require minimal maintenance, and add aesthetic appeal to your yard.

Spread wood chips or mulch:

Wood chips or mulch cover mud while adding nutrients to the soil.

Budget-friendly and simple to apply, making them an excellent solution.

Build a rain garden:

Rain gardens utilize wet spots, featuring water-loving plants to absorb excess water.

A DIY project involving digging a shallow depression, adding soil, compost, and leveling.

Lay gravel to cover mud:

Gravel, especially pea gravel, handles foot traffic well and adds visual appeal.

Lay a foundation of crushed rocks to prevent mud and gravel from mixing, aiding drainage.

Fix a patchy lawn by overseeding:

Overseeding is effective for addressing muddy spots caused by patchy grass.

Prep the soil, spread grass seed, and consistently water for a long-lasting solution.

Cover the mud with concrete:

Ideal for small backyards, covering with concrete provides a permanent solution.

Proper preparation includes draining excess water and using a wooden frame for pouring.

Build a pathway:

For a quick fix, build a pathway using materials like pea gravel or prefab pavers.

Level the ground with sand before placing the pathway material.

Tackling mud in your backyard requires understanding the root cause. Ground cover plants, gravel, wood chips, pathways, patios, rain gardens, and concrete are effective solutions based on your preferences. Remember to address underlying issues like drainage or grading for a long-term fix.

Make sure you know when MoveBuddy publishes its next article on common household issues. Follow us on Facebook, or bookmark the Learning Centre!

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