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September 22, 2021
min read

Packing Supply Essentials That Are A Must: Part 2

Choosing the right packing supplies is a crucial step to the overall success of your moving, storing or renovation project. The right packing supplies will protect your items from external damages, provide more room in your storage unit and not to mention, the organization that comes with all of it. The duration of your storage needs will help dictate which supplies are best suited for you.

Typically, when it comes to packing supplies the options for storage include plastic bins or cardboard boxes. Each has their advantages and disadvantages. Cardboard boxes are easily accessible everywhere, while plastic bins are rentable from certain storage facilities.  

Here we’ll discuss when it's more appropriate to use plastic bins, and when it’s better to use cardboard boxes.

Plastic Bins

Plastic storage bins are boxes where there is a detachable lid. They tend to be more durable and waterproof given they are made of polypropylene and polyethylene. You can easily reuse them without worrying about wearing them down. They do come with a higher price tag but may save you money in the long run, considering how long you need to use them.

Pros of Plastic Bins

Items that require maximum durability against the elements are best suited to be stored in plastic bins. Think of things like electronics or items that could be damaged from a water leak. Plastic bins are more durable to stack and transparent so you’ll always be able to identify what is in the bins.

Cons of Plastic Bins

As mentioned, plastic bins are more expensive than cardboard boxes. Purchasing a few might not make a difference in the budget. But, if you’re buying 10 plus plastic bins, costs will add up quickly.  

When transporting items, plastic bins are heavier in weight making it more bulky to lift and move items. They also don’t uniformly fit as neatly as cardboard boxes would. Most plastic boxes have bumps and grooves on their exterior. Thus creating ways the bins could move in the moving truck as well as the storage unit.

Carefully think about what items you put in a plastic bin. Not all items should be stored there, as plastic doesn’t breathe. If there are any damp items that go into the plastic bin, there’s a chance that it could create condensation leading to mould.

Cardboard Boxes  

There are an array of cardboard boxes to choose from. Standard packing boxes, double corrugated boxes for more fragile items, china barrels for artwork for examples. All cardboard boxes come easily accessible and in many shapes and sizes making them highly versatile. Cardboard boxes are a much cheaper option than plastic bins and can be recycled or packed down for later use once you’re done with them.

Pros of Cardboard Boxes

Outside of price, the main reason to use cardboard boxes is the space efficiency they provide. If you buy uniformed moving boxes, they are more stackable during transportation and in storage. Giving you more space to fit your belongings in. They can keep certain items in better conditions for longer periods of time since the material breathes better.  

Cardboard boxes are more versatile than plastic bins. Flatten a cardboard box and voila, you have a place to store artwork, mirrors or any flat breakable items. Or if you need a buffer between your item and the floor, you can use a flattened cardboard box to create that buffer.

Cons of Cardboard Boxes

The main issue that comes with using cardboard boxes is their short lifespan. Depending on the type of cardboard box you purchase, you could only use them a few times before they lose their shape and structure. If any cardboard boxes get wet, your lifespan drastically decreases too.

When using cardboard boxes, you also have to take into account all the additional packing materials you’ll need. To correctly pack and unpack cardboard boxes you’ll need scissors, box cutters, labels, markers and packing tape. Whereas, plastic bins you’ll just need to purchase the one item.  

It may not matter if you’re just using the cardboard boxes to store your items in your self storage unit. However, cardboard boxes admittedly are not aesthetically pleasing. In addition, they aren’t transparent like plastic bins. If you accidentally label a cardboard box wrong, it could take you a while to find the item you’re looking for.  

Things To Consider

There are different occasions to use cardboard boxes and plastic bins. Cardboard boxes are definitely more versatile, while plastic bins are better for durability.  

Consider how far and what climate you’re moving your items to. For long distance moves plastic bins are a much better option. If you’re moving during a wet climate season, cardboard boxes could get damaged from the snow or rain.  

However, if you’re looking to maximize your storage unit, cardboard boxes are more efficient to stack and transport. If you’re on a tighter budget, then cardboard boxes are a much cheaper alternative.  

The type of storage unit you’ve opted for will determine what packing supply you’ll want to use. For climate controlled units cardboard boxes will suffice. Whereas, for an outdoor storage unit you may want plastic bins to weather the outdoor conditions.

Once you’ve moved into your new place, you also need to think about what you’re going to do with the plastic bins or cardboard boxes. Perhaps you can use the plastic bins as storage in your new place. But what do you do with the additional plastic bins that aren’t being utilized? If this is something that you’re worried about, consider renting plastic bins from your storage facility. Keep in mind you will have to consider how quickly you need to return them to the facility.  

When choosing cardboard boxes, you can easily dismantle and store them neatly away until you need them again. Or reuse them for other purposes like DIY crafts, compost material, floor protection, the list goes on.  

As a final reminder, always keep in mind the type of unit and what items you’re storing in the boxes to help determine which one to use.

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